Saveapp (deals)

4.5 ( 4725 ratings )
Forfatter: Maytham Alrubaye

******Get deals, avail discounts and win freebies******
First it ask to choose the app language (English, Azeri, Russian)
Profile set up manually or through automatic Facebook link

Page will:
1. Search businesses
2. see business Categories from side menu
3. Label (underneath the search box) shows how much customers SAVED through till now through automated calculation
4. Underneath the “Label” will be three boxes are businesses advertisements
5. The bottom line are divided into (Bonuses, Near by, Notification, Settings, Savings)
customer can go in any businesses and can avail discount or freebie
When customer clicks the code icon the pag: A box with redeem code and 10 minutes countdown expiration time appear. If NOT used within the 10 minutes it automatically cancels in the system, or client will cancel it manually by clicking the cancel button.
customer will tell that redeem code to the salesman and he will verify redeem code,